Senegal Travel - La Petite Cote
The final part of the trip and my favorite spot in Senegal is la Petite Cote and more specifically:
Popenguine is a small village on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and I fell in love. It has a giant pristine sandy beach that is mostly empty where you can walk for hours and take peaceful and lonely swims in the ocean. At sunset, the beach is full of children playing soccer. It's peaceful and serene like a postcard. It also has the best restaurant on La Petite Cote: l'Echo-Cotier. Needless to say we ate here several times a day for over a week. We did not get tired of the food or the view!
The people of Popenguine are the nicest I met in the whole Senegal. We felt so at peace there. It was a little slice of paradise.
We stayed in two fabulous little Airbnbs, rustic but full of charm and authenticity, owned by the same lovely French owner Raphaelle and Jean the caretaker, one by the beach and one with a natural pool, where needless to say I spent a lot of time!
- Toubab Dialaw:
We also stayed a few nights in another village of La Petite Cote, named Toubab Dialaw, another fishing town but with a more hippie vibe and with a hidden gem: Espace Sobo Bade. Perched on a cliff above the waves, is hidden the most interesting hotel, good simple restaurant and art center, filled with mosaic tiles, very Gaudi! Quite rustic, with no hot water, nevertheless, we did enjoy our stay a lot. Nothing more unique and authentic than that!
On our next blog post, we will share our travel tips for Cape Verde Islands, do not miss it!